Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Repost from a few years ago - You Can't Have it All

That's right, gals, you can't have it all.

Back in the '70's when I was a young lady, we were told that we could have EVERYTHING -- career, family, yes WE COULD HAVE IT ALL.

Well, that is just NOT true! You can be:

1. Mom

2. Careerwoman (Please people -- I don't want to get into a debate about how stay-at-home moms work too - I do not disagree but for the purposes of this entry, I am speaking specifically about "outside- the- home- where- somebody- pays- you- to- do- a- job- not- related- to- raising- your- own- children- or- cleaning- your- own- house" career.)

3. Housekeeper

The thing is, you can't do all of these things yourself and do them well. Something has to give.

In my case, I gave up housekeeper.

I work. I have always loved working. (Also, I make more money than my ex did/does.) My daughter is actually a better person because I DID work. I love her dearly with all my heart and soul, but I simply would not have been a good 24/7 stay-at-home Mom. Also, because I have a career, I made a choice to have an only-child. I knew I would not be able to provide emotionally for more than one.

I was/am a good Mom. My daughter is now 25 years old and suffers no ill-effects due to the fact that I worked. (We have discussed this subject.) Because I was not with her all the time, when I was with her, I was able (mentally and emotionally) to focus on her and was able to enjoy the time we spent together. Which brings me to the subject of "raising an only child." This is actually a topic for another discussion which I will post at a later date. Just suffice it to say, it takes effort and planning to raise an only-child.

I was/am a lousy housekeeper. I made a choice that in order to maintain my career and devote myself to my daughter, I would have to give up having a spotless house. So, my house has lots of dust and spots on the carpet! (Oh yeah - please ignore the mildew in the bathroom -- I'll Tilex it when I get a chance.) Guess what -- the world did NOT come to an end, we did NOT all die of some mysterious "dirty house" disease. We DID go camping a lot; we went to Car/Motorcycle races; we went to baseball games; we went to watch daughter participate in sports; we were active in church activities. In short, we enjoyed being a family.

Friday, June 5, 2009

It's Friday

There is so much to say, and so little time to say it.

Therefore, the blog goes postless.

Such a shame.