Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas should not be this difficult
** The sister not calling me -- there is no 'bad blood' (as far as I know.) When I see her, she is as pleasant as can be. But for some unknown reason she absolutely refuses to call me (or pick up the phone when I call) -- maybe I should take the hint -- if only I knew why.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Baking today
1. What is a nickname a former (or present) lover gave you? Kat
2. How do you style your hair? If you don't spend time "styling" it, what style is it? I don't take time to style -- it is layered, longer in front.
3. What's your least favorite Christmas song? - I don't have a least favorite; after all it's only a few weeks of the year we listen to them.
4. How many colors are you wearing now? - two
5. Are you an introvert or extrovert? Introvert
6. What was the last book you read? I am currently reading two books -- "Wicked" and "The Color of Water."
7. What's one piece of fiction that changed your life? I don't believe that any piece of fiction has changed my life in any significant manner. (Meaning - I don't remember any!)
8. If you were attracted to someone already in a relationship (or married), what might do you do? Nothing - they're taken
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently? Yes
10. What's your favorite dessert? Chocolate chip "pizzookie" made by my daughter.
11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 20 minutes
12. Name one website that you visit daily. Why do you read it? My blog. Because it has links to all the other blogs that I read.
13. What was your last job prior to your current situation (current job, or staying at home.) I have been at the same job for 27 1/2 years.
14. Do you like to clean? Nope
15. What was the last song to get stuck in your head? I don't remember, and I don't want to!!!
16. What's the last movie you saw? The Piano (I don't go out to movies, just watch on TV.)
17. Pirates or Ninjas? - for what - dinner?
18. What is your least favorite thing to do that you have to do everyday? go to work
19. Best time of your life? Now is pretty good
20. What are you most looking forward to in the coming year? Haven't really thought much about it. Being one year closed to retirement I guess.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Covered in Glitter
I did some 'at the store' shopping yesterday (note -- I did NOT say anything about 'at the mall') and wrapped it up.
Today I went on-line to do my heavy-duty shopping. After an hour or so of shopping, I got a call from the fraud department at my bank to verify the charges! Yes, folks, I am doing my part to contribute to the economy. No cutting back for me this year.
The tree is up, decorations are hung. Shopping is done. I just have to wait for UPS to deliver and then finish the wrapping thing.
I have two major tasks left to accomplish - I have to do some baking, and I have to transfer some pictures onto the digital picture frame I got my dad for Christmas. He does not own a computer (or a digital camera) so I will have to be responsible for keeping his pictures updated! I don't mind.
Happy Sunday to all.
(Pittsburgh just intercepted Dallas and scored a TD putting them up by 7 portending a much better outcome than the high-school game I watched last night. 1:40 to go, hold on boys!)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Feeling Down
My ex called me last night to tell me his dad had just passed away. Not the cause of my depression, but certainly contributing today.
Monday, December 1, 2008
December 1 -- Christmas begins
This is the new centerpiece I got for 'bunches off' at Michaels:

Close up of one of the new ornaments on my tree. (All new ornaments this year.)

And another look at the centerpiece:

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Finally - Day 30!
So, my Christmas tree is up, but not decorated. All my other decorations are up. Tomorrow will finish and post pictures.
Time for a Sunday shuffle -- I'm not sure what this mix says about me!

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Botox and Other Outward Affectations of Youth
"Middle age used to be a respite for women, somewhere between the frenetically social 20s and the downhill run of the 60s, a time of gently letting go of youth and learning to be comfortable in their own skin. . . . .But alas, no more, thanks to the tyranny of the 'yummy mummy' "
"This is the phenomenon in which modern mothers are supposed to lose all baby flab within days of childbirth . . . . . . As the children grow up, the grooming routine is augmented with botox, fillers, plastic surgery, breast implants and ever more time-consuming exercise routines, all employed in the quest to stave off ageing.""But, as a survey for Nivea of 10,000 people in Britain this year found, the yummy mummy is an 'unattainable' ideal which puts such pressure on modern mothers that it makes them feel inadequate and disillusioned. No kidding."
"Ultimately they see themselves as far younger than they are. There is a dissonance between the way the world sees them and the way they see themselves.""The question arises: if it is so important not to let your body grow old, what about maturity of thought and attitude? If middle-aged people aren't willing to take on their role as elders in a community, to reflect on lessons learnt from a lifetime of mistakes, to be the fuddy-duddies and convert their age to wisdom, who will set the boundaries for younger generations?"
"As the pre-MILF generations fade out, we have a dwindling supply of wisdom, so someone needs to start acting like the grown-ups."
Yup, couldn't have said it better myself
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
"Buy Nothing Day" and
"National Sleep Late Day."
Yup, I plan to snuggle up with my down comforter until late in the morning, and stay home all day with a fire in the fireplace, a good book and perhaps some hot-chocolate.
Yes that is the only way to spend the day after Thanksgiving.
(p.s. -- did I mention the Peppermint Schnappes in the chocolate?)
(p.p.s. -- Last year, I was DONE WITH MY SHOPPING on Nov 29 -- this year, haven't even started!)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
5 Things
Anyway, here it is -- 5 things I've never done:
- Made a turkey - really!
- Danced naked in the rain although it really sounds liberating.
- Been on a cruise.
- Seen a Broadway play on Broadway (or been to NYC for that matter)
- Missed a day of posting in November (NaBloPoMo) since I started blogging three years ago.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
To be(lieve) or not to be(lieve) - the Santa debate
I, too, struggled with this when my daughter was a small child. I guess I took a 'chicken' way out. I didn't make a big production about whether or not he existed. I never used the "you better be good or Santa won't bring you anything" line. Every Christmas (starting when she was 2 weeks old) there were presents under the tree from Santa. No big deal was made. They were just there. We would go to the mall, and of course Santa was all over the place. Sometimes she wanted to stand in line to talk to Santa, sometimes she didn't. I let her decide. Being a Christian, we made a bigger deal out of Jesus' birthday than Santa. (She went to Lutheran schools, so our emphasis at home was consistent with what she was exposed to at school as well as church.)
When she was about 3 years old, she told me that all those Santas at the mall couldn't be real, they were just men in Santa suits. (I remember exactly where we were when she asked -- getting off the escalator at Sears.) Of course, I agreed. The next year when she turned four, she asked me if Santa was real. I replied that it is really fun to believe in the magic of Santa Claus and the joy that he brings (blah blah blah.) A few weeks later she said to me "Mother, I have asked you several times if Santa is real, and you don't answer me." So that was my cue to talk about how Santa as a flesh-and-blood being doesn't exist, but the spirit of Santa lives in our society.
Did I do the right thing? Well, she has never been angry at me for lying to her. (Actually, I don't know anybody in real life that was angry at their parents for 'making' them believe.) And to this day, 28 years later, presents from Santa are in her stocking every Christmas morning.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sorry Folks
It is raining (yes, it really does rain in Southern California.) I love the rain, but unfortunately, when it rains the pain gets worse.
Monday, November 24, 2008
- Laundromat Laundry -- for the stuff that won't fit into the regular machine a trip to the local neighborhood laundromat is on the agenda.
- Regular Laundry -- yeah, it never ends.
- Start organizing the spare room. When my daughter moved out two years ago, I SWORE I would not allow her room to become a catch-all. You guessed it, that room is one hot mess that really needs some organization. I can't find a thing in there.
- Put up Christmas decorations. This is a week-long activity in my house. I just need to find out when my daughter can come over and help. I have a huge artificial tree that requires two sets of hands to manipulate into place.
- Get the Christmas CDs out. (Yes,I am one of those odd people who loves Christmas music.)
The season is starting; although I may or may not get all my shopping done, I am ready.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Vintage Friday; Sunday version
So, we are now up to 1953. There are only two sets of photos for that year -- my two-year birthday and Christmas.
Here I am (standing on the couch - which was NEVER allowed!) looking very happy with my new doll!

Still clutching the doll - and sitting in my favorite rocking chair. I am looking tired by now. Must have been a busy day. Also, notice the new saddle-shoes.

I remember this table clearly. It was in my bedroom for many years. It was my school-teacher desk, my art table, my doll's tea-table, my office desk. The uses for that table were limited only by my imagination. I bought a very similar one for my daughter when she was two.

And here is one of the chairs that was part of the table set. I am looking pretty happy.

Fast-forward to Christmas 1953. Christmas Eve was always celebrated at my Grandparent's house with my cousin Debbie and family. At this time, we were the only two grandchildren. Aren't we cute!

Um yeah-- what's with the ironing board! I never iron. (I was also given a kitchen set that year -- very gender-centric those 50's!) Also, the new saddle shoes in the birthday pictures above? - not so new-looking now!

I don't even know WHAT to say about this picture. All I can see is a MULLET - 1953 version!

Until later . . .
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Saturday Shuffle
Guess I'll have to schlep to the Apple store next week to see what's up. (Hopefully still under warranty - not sure.)
So, we will do an iTunes shuffle instead.

Oh yeah, about the laptop. In addition to the broken hinge, it is acting up in weird, possessed, ways.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Vintage Friday
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Meme Monday -- yeah, I know it's Thursday
1. Are your parents still alive? If so, do you get along with them?
My Dad is alive - 81 years old; my Mom passed away 35 years ago (at the age of 41). I get along with my Dad and Stepmom just fine.
2. Do your parents live close? Why/why not?
This question really doesn't make much sense to me. We all live where we live (myself, my sisters, step-sisters, step-brother, some close, some far) -- it has nothing really to do with parent/child relationships.
3. Name one thing valuable that your parents taught you. Why did you choose this?
My parents taught me the value of honesty, integrity and hard work.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Almost Forgot
This is as close to cheating as you can get -- but this IS my post for today!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What's the Big Deal
What's the big deal. It's an ad campaign; a silly one, but just an ad. Honestly, not worth getting your panties in a bunch!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Well, THAT was fun . . .
As you also may or may not know, we have had some incredible fire-storms these last few days.
What I DID NOT KNOW this morning was that my office is closed today. My company has three facilities in Orange County. Last night I thought about the fact that one facility (the one I worked at until a week ago) was only two blocks from an evacuation area, so might be shut down today. The facility I currently work at is 5 miles away and it never occurred to me that they would close it down.
I should always check my cel-phone (is is cel or cell -- I never know) for messages. I drove (half hour) to work to find a note taped to the entrance telling us that, yes folks, WE ARE CLOSED FOR THE DAY. All Orange County facilities are closed. So I drove home again (another half hour) for a delightful hour of rush-hour travel.
I will call my manager later today to get the details, but I suspect that air quality has a lot to do with it. I drove up there and back, never got out of my car or rolled the windows down, and I smell of smoke!
(I also must tell her that if she needs to tell me things this important again, to call my home phone not my cel(l).
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday Shuffle (on Sunday)
So, let's see what Clapton has shuffled up for us today: (for the uninitiated, "Clapton" is my iPod.)

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Picture - Southern California Fire
Friday, November 14, 2008
Vintage Friday
I like how the cake is presented on top of an upside-down trash can! So like my Mom to be innovative like that.
Apparently I didn't like to sit still
I tried though
Fast Forward to me at 15 months -- note the cage (er -- playpen!)
Yes, the Vintage Friday posts will pretty much be about ME - at least for a while. (Until I can locate any pictures of my younger sisters.) You will see gaps as we go along. I am not sure if this is because pictures were only taken sporadically or if I am just missing pictures in my collection. I am just happy to have these. I rescued them from my Dad's garage after my Mom passed away
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Restaurants and Cell Phones
Mom: Talking on her cell phone.
Dad: Talking on his cell phone.
Oldest teen-age son: apparently sending texts on cell phone
Next teen-age son: also apparently sending texts (quite possibly to his brother.)
Youngest daughter: sitting on Mom's lap (apparently too young to have phone of her own.)
Well, at least they were quiet!
At one point in time, oldest son handed his phone to Dad who continued conversation on his phone while sending text on son's.
I wonder if they have to send each other texts in order to communicate; they apparently don't know how to talk to one another.
Ah, the age of technology.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Help - Firefox Viewers
I am having issues. When I look at this blog with my Firefox browser, the first full page is "greyed out" so to speak. The colors are literally grey, and the links do not work. Using IE it is fine.
Anybody else? Or is it just some combination of my computer and Firefox.
This is a test
Monday, November 10, 2008
Computer Broken & MeMe Monday
Must find duct tape.
Will post Monday MeMe later if it is still Monday after broken part is taped together.
I love technology! Still requires duct tape.
OK -- barely hanging on with duct tape . . . back to our regularly scheduled Monday MeMe:
- What was the first thing you thought when you looked at yourself in the mirror today?
Yeah -- it's still me
- Do you have a recurring nightmare? If so, explain.
Not since I was a very young child. It had to do with being chased by the Wicked Witch of the West
- List three foods you can’t stand:
Cooked Spinach (I like it fine raw in a salad)
Sauerkraut (yet I like cooked cabbage)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
It must be cold and flu season - - -
To: Congregation and Pastors at XXXXXX Lutheran Church
From: BlogUnstructured Person
Subject: Cold and Flu Season
Please do not take this personally, but during this cold and flu season, I will decline to:
a) shake your hand;
b) pass the peace;
c) hug you or participate in any other physical displays of Christian affection.
Please do not be offended - it is not because I don't care, it is because I DO NOT WANT TO GET SICK.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
p.s. Side note to all parents -- if your children are sick, keep them home. God will understand.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My mind is a blank - so we Shuffle instead
Friday, November 7, 2008

This next one shows how short my Mom was! She always claimed to be 5' tall, but I think that was only when she stood up straight! (She was really 4' 11" -- but we never told her LOL)

I find this next picture very interesting in that we all have blue eyes; yet in this picture it appears that we are a family of extremely dark-eyed people. (Again--note the funky wallpaper!)

And lastly for today, I love this picture. It is the perfect depiction of the proud first-time young parents (although I don't look too happy with the whole process at this point in time!)

Oops - I lied; one more! My first Christmas. I have absolutely no idea who the little girl in the picture is. One of our neighbors I guess.

Until next week . . .
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Broken Home
Got me to thinking. What exactly is a broken home?
My husband and I divorced when our daughter was 12 years old. Is she the product of a broken home? I don't think so. In my opinion, our home was broken BEFORE the divorce; I fixed it by getting divorced. My daughter was/is much better off than she would have been if we had stayed together.
My parents never divorced, but in many ways, our home was broken. It was not particularly happy. It wasn't always broken; I remember many happy times. However, for many years my parents were married, but not happy.
Which home was broken? When I got married I fully intended to be married the rest of my life. It was not to be, however. In order to 'fix' myself and keep my daughter from 'breaking' I had to change the situation. By 'breaking' the relationship with my husband I 'fixed' our home for her.
What is a broken home?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
10 Things Tuesday
OK -- I know it is Wednesday, but yesterday had more important things to say!
- I am proud to be an American.
- We are moving our offices this Friday. Maybe for 3 years.
- It is a scary prospect. Our corporate headquarters are being totally remodeled and consolidated. We are moving into what is called "swing space." The frightening part is that they don't when we will be moving back. The messages are conflicting. One thing we read says that everything has to be done by end of 2009 (remodeling of this site and consolidation of another site into this one) -- yet they say we will be in swing space for up to 5 years. Somehow the numbers do not add up.
- I had a total melt-down last night. I have no idea why. It all started when my computer started acting up. I wanted to follow the election results, and it just wouldn't do anything! I went completely ape-shit nuts! Yelling and screaming. I still do not know why--but I cried (a lot) and feel much better now. Apparently I needed the release. I am just glad that the neighbors did not call the police (yes, I was that loud!)
- Although I am a good cook, I really don't like to cook, so my family (mistakenly) believes that I am a bad cook.
- Seldom do I have tears in my eyes; last night I did (unrelated to the melt-down above.) I never thought that election results would make me tear up.
- I am glad the election is over; I am tired of the phone calls.
- And the campaign signs on every corner
- I have hope.
- My daughter just called with good news.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Vote: It's your right; it's your obligation.

Residents of the USA -- get out and vote today. (If you're not registered, SHAME ON YOU.)
- If it is raining (yes, it is raining in Southern California today) - VOTE.
- If you have to stand in long lines in said rain - VOTE.
- If you have to schlep your small children with you to stand in long lines in said rain - VOTE.
Ok -- now off to nag my daughter.
Monday, November 3, 2008
MeMe Post
What are your nicknames?
Kathy; Kath; Kat
What TV gameshow or reality show would you like to be on?
Wheel of Fortune
What was the first movie you bought in VHS or DVD?
I have no idea. My first VHS purchase was probably 20 years ago; I barely remember yesterday!
What is your favorite scent?
Well, I suppose it depends on context. I like spice/vanilla scented candles and air fresheners. My favorite 'comfort smell' is freshly baked bread.
If you had one million dollars to spend only on yourself, what would you spend it on?
After tithing to my church (yes, I consider that to be spending on myself) I would probably buy a house and some furniture for it. Hire a maid. (But I would really prefer to be able to help others.)
What is one place you've visited, can't forget and want to go back to?
Europe. I only saw Switzerland and a small part of France. I would love to go back and see more. Domestically (and more realistic to achieve) I would love to go back to Washington DC.
Do you trust easily?
Too much so.
Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think?
I am a thinker.
Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Other than the economy? Check with me on Wednesday after the election.
Do you have a good body image?
Not at all
What is your favorite fruit?
What websites do you visit daily?
A bunch of blogs (see blog-roll to the left for list) GMAIL, Hotmail,
What have you been seriously addicted to lately?
Following the election
What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
Nothing at the moment.
What is your favorite thing to wear?
Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy?
Nope -- I really don't care for cold cereal.
What would you do if you saw $100 lying on the ground?
Pick it up duh!
What items couldn't you go without during the day?
What should you be doing right now?
There's nothing pressing at the moment. It's lunchtime, so I'm pretty much doing what I should be doing at this time of day.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
About Me
I thought I should start with the same, but as I was composing this post, I realized I was using a lot of 'blog fodder' in one post. My 'story' will emerge with time and as my mood strikes.
A few brief stats to get us started:
I am:
- 50+ years old
- Divorced
- Mother to one grown daughter
- An ex-smoker (quit August 16, 1994 - cold turkey)
- Worked for the same company for 27 years
- Lived in the same place for 23 years
- Moved approximately 15 times in my life
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Day One - The Beginning
Now, eleven months later, I have decided to blog again. This time the blog has no theme; no brand. I do suspect, however, that in time it will take on a life of its own as blogs are wont to do.
I'm still playing with templates, gadgets, layouts etc. so don't be surprised to see change as time goes by. (Promise-I won't go overboard with gadgets, widgets & gidgets, oh my!)