So, we are now up to 1953. There are only two sets of photos for that year -- my two-year birthday and Christmas.
Here I am (standing on the couch - which was NEVER allowed!) looking very happy with my new doll!

Still clutching the doll - and sitting in my favorite rocking chair. I am looking tired by now. Must have been a busy day. Also, notice the new saddle-shoes.

I remember this table clearly. It was in my bedroom for many years. It was my school-teacher desk, my art table, my doll's tea-table, my office desk. The uses for that table were limited only by my imagination. I bought a very similar one for my daughter when she was two.

And here is one of the chairs that was part of the table set. I am looking pretty happy.

Fast-forward to Christmas 1953. Christmas Eve was always celebrated at my Grandparent's house with my cousin Debbie and family. At this time, we were the only two grandchildren. Aren't we cute!

Um yeah-- what's with the ironing board! I never iron. (I was also given a kitchen set that year -- very gender-centric those 50's!) Also, the new saddle shoes in the birthday pictures above? - not so new-looking now!

I don't even know WHAT to say about this picture. All I can see is a MULLET - 1953 version!

Until later . . .
Very cute pictures! It is so great to have photo's from ones childhood! I LOVE looking at "vintage" pictures so this was a real treat!