Wednesday, November 5, 2008

10 Things Tuesday

(Concept compliments of Mamacita)

OK -- I know it is Wednesday, but yesterday had more important things to say!
  1. I am proud to be an American.
  2. We are moving our offices this Friday. Maybe for 3 years.
  3. It is a scary prospect. Our corporate headquarters are being totally remodeled and consolidated. We are moving into what is called "swing space." The frightening part is that they don't when we will be moving back. The messages are conflicting. One thing we read says that everything has to be done by end of 2009 (remodeling of this site and consolidation of another site into this one) -- yet they say we will be in swing space for up to 5 years. Somehow the numbers do not add up.
  4. I had a total melt-down last night. I have no idea why. It all started when my computer started acting up. I wanted to follow the election results, and it just wouldn't do anything! I went completely ape-shit nuts! Yelling and screaming. I still do not know why--but I cried (a lot) and feel much better now. Apparently I needed the release. I am just glad that the neighbors did not call the police (yes, I was that loud!)
  5. Although I am a good cook, I really don't like to cook, so my family (mistakenly) believes that I am a bad cook.
  6. Seldom do I have tears in my eyes; last night I did (unrelated to the melt-down above.) I never thought that election results would make me tear up.
  7. I am glad the election is over; I am tired of the phone calls.
  8. And the campaign signs on every corner
  9. I have hope.
  10. My daughter just called with good news.
God Bless America

1 comment:

  1. I'm a good cook....even if it's all imaginary :)

    I was also swept up in the passion this election stirred...yes, it's great to be an American once again


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