So, my Christmas tree is up, but not decorated. All my other decorations are up. Tomorrow will finish and post pictures.
Time for a Sunday shuffle -- I'm not sure what this mix says about me!

"Middle age used to be a respite for women, somewhere between the frenetically social 20s and the downhill run of the 60s, a time of gently letting go of youth and learning to be comfortable in their own skin. . . . .But alas, no more, thanks to the tyranny of the 'yummy mummy' "
"This is the phenomenon in which modern mothers are supposed to lose all baby flab within days of childbirth . . . . . . As the children grow up, the grooming routine is augmented with botox, fillers, plastic surgery, breast implants and ever more time-consuming exercise routines, all employed in the quest to stave off ageing.""But, as a survey for Nivea of 10,000 people in Britain this year found, the yummy mummy is an 'unattainable' ideal which puts such pressure on modern mothers that it makes them feel inadequate and disillusioned. No kidding."
"Ultimately they see themselves as far younger than they are. There is a dissonance between the way the world sees them and the way they see themselves.""The question arises: if it is so important not to let your body grow old, what about maturity of thought and attitude? If middle-aged people aren't willing to take on their role as elders in a community, to reflect on lessons learnt from a lifetime of mistakes, to be the fuddy-duddies and convert their age to wisdom, who will set the boundaries for younger generations?"
"As the pre-MILF generations fade out, we have a dwindling supply of wisdom, so someone needs to start acting like the grown-ups."
Yup, couldn't have said it better myself
a) shake your hand;
b) pass the peace;
c) hug you or participate in any other physical displays of Christian affection.