Sunday, November 2, 2008

About Me

Most blogs start with an "about me" post.
I thought I should start with the same, but as I was composing this post, I realized I was using a lot of 'blog fodder' in one post. My 'story' will emerge with time and as my mood strikes.

A few brief stats to get us started:

I am:
  • 50+ years old
  • Divorced
  • Mother to one grown daughter
  • An ex-smoker (quit August 16, 1994 - cold turkey)
I have:
  • Worked for the same company for 27 years
  • Lived in the same place for 23 years
  • Moved approximately 15 times in my life
That's enough to get us started. More will emerge as this blog evolves.

1 comment:

  1. And I congratulate you on stopping smoking. I know how hard it can be and is! Bless you for stoping!

    And thanks so much for your vert sweet comment on my 3rd Anniversary....! I can hardly believe I have been blogging that long, though it is amazingm in another way, how quickly it went by.


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